back and neck pain
Back and Neck Pain
BACK AND NECK PAIN The initial appointment involves a 1 hour Assessment . Clinical recommendations from NICE guidelines and personal experience suggest that best practice is a programme of 6 treatments over 6 weeks . Booking 6 treatments in advance will offer a saving of £10 . Otherwise after the Initial assessment of £45 ongoing treatments will also cost £45
stress- anxiety-chronic pain -me/cfs
Stress /Anxiety
Chronic Pain
Stress / Anxiety /Chronic Pain / ME CFS - Require a lifestyle change as regards accessing your own relaxation . Hypnotherapy is a proven and user friendly therapy applied at the practice by France Quirin Registered Osteopath . Over 20 years ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia Expertise . Tools used are Hypnotherapy, Pain and Sleep Education , Mindfulness and more . The aim is to create a program which is unique to the individual because every individual is unique. Pay as you go option is £65. This program is provided by France Quirin DOst GOScand Graham Yates DOst GOsc. France is also qualified in Coaching and Graham is a qualified Mindfulness teacher.
other services
We also have other services available at the practice from expert practitioners , This can allow for a collaborative and more holistic approach :
Myofascial Release/Massage
Combined Osteopathy and Myofascial Release
Nutrition - Antinflammatory Diet, Detoxificaton, Clinical Wt Loss
Medical Herbalism